About Me

I am a Professor of Communication at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. I received my BA from Brown University and my PhD, in Linguistic Anthropology, from the University of California Los Angeles.

My wife is a divorce lawyer, which got me interested in mathematical calculations for divorce. The child support calculator I designed for her is now the #1 child support calculator in Massachusetts. In creating the calculator, I found conceptual and mathematical errors in the state of Massachusetts child support forms. Put simply, the form and formula that the State of Massachusetts requires divorcing couples to use gives the wrong numbers in many cases. You can see an article about this in MA Lawyers Weekly here.

Many of my wife’s clients have needed present value valuations of their pensions when they divide assets in divorce. When I saw how expensive such valuations were ($175-$225) and how long they took (often a week or more), I decided to build an online calculator that could instantly provide a present value of a pension for a fraction of the cost charged by actuaries, accountants, or financial advisors.

Professor Benjamin Bailey

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